Living Mathematics and Science to the Full

Archive for August, 2012

Term 3 Revision Test Answers

1. Base SI Units

metre (m) measures length

kilogram (kg) measures mass

second (s) measures time

Kelvin (K) measures temperature

Ampere (A) measures electrical current

candela (cd) measures light intensity

mole (mol.) measures amount of substance

2. Base SI Units are the original seven units decided upon in Paris. Derived SI Units are units that come from the Base Units, and can be made in two different ways. Firstly, I could add a prefix to a Base SI Unit to create a derived unit (millimetre), or I may combine base units to make a derived unit. (e.g. metres per second).

3. Error of parallax – can be avoided by keeping my eye perpendicular to the point I’m measuring.

Zero Error – I can make sure that I begin measuring from zero.

Worn away Ruler – I can measure from another mark, but must subtract that point from what I’m measuring.

4. A = l x b

= 20 metres x 8 metres

= 160 square metres

The pool has a surface area of 160 square metres.

5. V = l x b x h

= 20 metres x 8 metres x 20 decimetres

= 200 decimeters x 80 decimetres x 20 decimeters

= 320 000 cubic decimetres

As 1 cubic decimetre = 1 litres, 320 000 cubic decimetres = 320 ooo litres.

6. Absolute Zero is the coldest possible temperature, and is also the point where an object has no energy.

7. Absolute Zero on the Celcius (centigrade) scale is – 273 degrees Celcius (centigrade)

8. Scientists use Kelvin rather than Celcius (centigrade) scale because we know ice has a temperature, and in the real world you cannot get less than nothing.

9. a) weight = mass x gravity’s pull

= 48 kg x 10 N

= 480 N

Dennis’ weight is 480 Newtons.

b) Dennis’ mass on Earth is 48 kilograms.

c) weight = mass x gravity’s pull

= 48 kg x 1,667 N
= 80,016 N

Dennis’ weight on the Moon is 80,016 Newtons.

d) Dennis’ mass on the Moon is 48 kilograms.


Cycle Test Term 3 Revision Test

1. Draw a table listing the Base S.I. Units. Show what they measure and what their abbreviations are.

2. What is the difference between Base S.I. Units and Derived S.I. Units.

3. What THREE problems could there be with measuring length and how can these problems be avoided.

4. If I have pool that is 20 metres long and 8 metres wide. What is the surface area of the water in the pool.

5. If the pool (in question 4) is 20 decimeters deep, how many litres would fill the pool?

6. What is absolute zero?

7. What is absolute zero on the Celcius (centrigrade) scale.

8. Why do Scientists use Kelvin rather than the Celcius (centigrade) scale?

9.Dennis has a mass of 48 kg.

a) What is Dennis’ weight on Earth?

b) What is Dennis’ mass on Earth?

c) What is Dennis’ weight on the Moon?

d) What is Dennis’ mass on the Moon?

Revision Test for Cycle Test 3

1. Use an experiment you are familiar with and then set it out using the Scientific Method.

  • Question
  • Hypothesis (If I (do this) then I will (notice that).
  • Variables (Independent Variable {what we do}; Dependent Variable {what we measure}; Controlled Variables {what we make sure stays the same})
  • Method (step by step instructions – must be logical)
  • Observations (make a table and then a graph)
  • Conclusions (link to Hypothesis)

2. Draw a diagram showing how acid rain is formed.

3. What is the Greenhouse effect and how is the Greenhouse Effect caused?

4. Is global warming real? Give evidence for your opinion.

5. Explain how the holes in the ozone layer were formed?

6. When should the holes in the ozone layer start to repair?

7. How can you protect yourself from the extra-radiation due to the holes in the Ozone layer?

NOTE: Static Electricity has been removed from the test requirements.

Grade 6 Cycle Test Term 3

What to prepare:

The Scientific Method

  • Question
  • Hypothesis
  • Apparatus
  • Method
  • Observations (Tables & Graphs)
  • Conclusions

Global Warming & the Greenhouse Effect

Acid Rain

Holes in the Ozone Layer

Generating a static charge (deleted from Requirements for the test)

Grade 7 Cycle Test Term 3

What to prepare:

  • SI Units
  • Length
  • Area
  • Volume
  • Temperature
  • Mass & Weight

Be able to apply your knowledge.


Awesome Grade 6’s

I have granted an extra day for you to hand in the hypothesis due to technical difficulties with the electricity last week. I trust this assists you in your endevours.

New FINAL date for handing in the hypothesis 14 August 2012.




2012 Expo Handing in Schedule

Final Project Question –  27 July 2012  (see template page on Dropbox) 

Research (1 page summary) + Bibliography – 13 August 2012

Hypothesis – 14 August 2012 (see template page on Dropbox) 

Procedure (steps of your experiment) – 20 August 2012  (see template page on Dropbox) 

 Log Book Check – 20 August 2012 ( use the template on Dropbox to check your Log Book) NEED NOT HAND IN

Completed Log Book – 27 August 2012

Display Board and models – 27 August 2012