Living Mathematics and Science to the Full

Archive for October, 2018

Police Abuse in South Africa – 24 October 2018 (08:40 onward)

I cannot with good conscience remain in South Africa – a country where agents of the Government flout the Constitution and Bill of Rights with abandon.

This arrogant self-proclaimed paedophile, (who claims to be a General) working out of a Pretoria East Police Station (beginning with a B) has lied constantly through out the night and abused the courtesy of the people trying to represent me, with abusive language and aggressive behaviour.

This man has since December 2017 until now, every second of every day, harassed me and at times abused me and tortured me (see the list below).

10:30 still languishing at the wrong side of the wretched machine. Where this arrogant and self-centred, self confessed paedophile harassed me to stay in South Africa, and tried to use contractual law and other levers to keep me here. Little does he know, that I absolutely love South Africa and her people, but his conduct as an agent of the state) over the past year has given me real concern for my safety and the integrity of my body and possessions.

Earlier in the year I had a plan to try make a difference in the Mathematics and Science Education in a part of the country and then extend it as far as I could. Then can the South African State Official who harassed and abused me for 11 months soon to be 12 months non-stop every second of every day. How can I possibly live in a country where such behaviour is tolerated? This state official (says he is a General in National Intelligence) who refuses to identify himself.

This man who tells me he wants me to continue with an idea I nurtured and was about to put into action, is exactly the same man who took that opportunity away. To coerce me he placed many magnetic things into my ears (which feel very disturbing – imagine many vibrating needles in your ear) at the same time berating me and trying to use contractual law and levers of state to imprison me within the boarders of the country. He has told me repeatedly that I will be prevented from leaving the country, which flouts the Bill of Rights of South Africa. I must hasten to add that this is the same man that flouted the South African Constitution and the South African Bill of Rights. If a General can flout the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, what hope is there for the Ordinary Man?

11:00 Still have a deafness in my right ear, which this arrogant and  self-proclaimed General in National Intelligence (who claims to be a paedophile), is causing with this electro-magnetic radio devise. What his aim is, is only known to himself.

12:00 This man (who claims to be a General and a paedophile) claims he will make Friend N deaf, why someone would do this if they had nothing to hide is beyond me, thus I presume that he has a fear that something may come out, perhaps it is that my brain was pulled apart by the police or national intelligence (yet to be determined) or perhaps he is in fact a paedophile trying to squirm away.

On his way to the car, this General/Colonel (or whoever) fell, and claims that he was assaulted, what a joke, as he is the one that has harassed, abused and tortured me and in my opinion assaulted me using his electo-magnetic radio devise which I call the wretched devise.

He lies telling people that he is a plumber and a intelligence officer and a policeman, if these are true he must be a talented man, but I think all of these are a ruse, and he has lied to the Police Station Commander at the Pretoria East Police Station (beginning with a B) and there is no paperwork (as far as I can tell) for his presence in this Police Station. Is this corruption or is it just a lapse of paperwork?

To harass me he placed electro-magnetic things into my right ear, which he claims are “fixing my ear”. Is he fixing it so that my hearing improves, or is he fixing my ear to justify some hidden agenda like punish me for something? He also claimed that I’ll go deaf in the right ear, and later tells me that that is something he is trying to avoid, but he has pulled hairs out of my cochlea, to cause deafness, as he has just admitted.

To date this self-proclaimed General or Captain (or whatever) has walked out of Police Holding Cells on 3 occasions (he claims that as a General, he flashes his badge and the gates of his cell simply open).

Because this so-called General/Colonel/or whoever refuses to identify himself, and has given at least 3 different identities, the Station Commander at the Pretoria East Police Station (beginning with a B) finger printed him, although he now call himself a National Intelligence General.

I have headache and general sinusitis, probably from the walk around at night (see below).

This self-proclaimed paedophile recruiter for a paedophile group has admitted that he was as high a s kite three nights ago.

The self-proclaimed paedophile recruiter for a paedophile group has offered 900 000 Quadrillion Rand to make his charges be dropped, something I reject out of hand and with contempt.

Now my electricity was cut 14:04 for the whole apartment block. This paedophile (by his own admission) claims that my electricity will go on (as well as everyone in the apartment block once my laptop battery charge dies to stop me blogging. He claims that he is a Colonel in National Intelligence and that he has cut the electricity to the entire apartment block to teach me a lesson. I played a South African Band named “Die Antwoord” which pushed his buttons.

Despite his arrest and the intervention of the President, he continues to harass me asking me if I am a paedophile.” He says he is a paedophile and am I a Paedophile”. The answer is the same as before, I am NOT A PAEDOPHILE. He claims it is that if I admit to paedophilia (which I am NOT!) it is his only get out of jail card. Which is ridiculous. This National Intelligence Colonel (or who ever he is) is a paedophile and has stated that with an arrogance that I found frightening. How long has this man harmed children? What has become of these children that have endured his statutory rapes? His method is to inject these boys (or so he brags) and then have sex with them. He believed that his job would protect him. How can such a man exist, its abhorrent.


Here is a summary of the South African Police activities as they have happened to me (or told to me) in the past year (non-stop since mid December 2017):

  1. imprisonment of my mind with non-stop chatter in my head (using the electo-magnetic “radio” devise from the South African Police) which I call harassment
  2. deprived of sleep every night by the South African Police, sometimes all night and this was done on work nights mostly and varied from one night a week to seven nights of no sleep at all
  3. property (books, clothing, food, drinks, and much more) stolen by the South African Police
  4. money stolen from my wallet, no matter where I placed it (even from my bedside) by the South African Police leading to me borrowing from people (who could not understand why I was constantly out of cash)
  5. money removed from my bank account without it reflecting on my banking statements – by the South African Police (and admitted by them) (who could not understand why I was constantly out of cash) carefully planned so that my home loan would default, and this has happened and they are deliberately delaying the compensation payment until the time I loose my home, probably an attempt to “teach me that challenging the police is a bad idea
  6. after the South African Police used the devise, that plants ideas and thoughts into people’s brain and thus becomes part of their thinking, to orchestrate my firing of my job the South African Police delayed the payment of my final salary for five days. Now that I am unemployed (due to their actions) they keep harassing me  causing my debit orders to bounce, causing me financial distress. They keep this harassment continuing day and night, and state that my compensation and the money they stole from me and the property that they stole from me will be delayed (sic.) until I loose my home, probably to teach me “not to challenge the police”.
  7. my brain was torn apart (presumably when the South African Police used this electro-magnetic “radio” devise in a very aggressive manner)
  8. repeated death threats issued by the South African Police and them stating that they tried to kill me by irradiating me (or so they have told me)
  9. continual and non-stop role playing where I was kept from sleep over and over again by the South African Police
  10. using this elecro-magnetic “radio” devise sexually harassment
  11. the loss of my reputation and employment orchestrated (admitted by them – where they placed thoughts and ideas into the heads of the line managers)
  12. loss of my employment (admitted by them – where they constantly harassed me at work, and placed ideas into my line managers heads
  13. changed medical report – stating that I had contracted an HIV infection (admitted by them) and I am now told that to the best of their knowledge I am not infected with HIV
  14. violation of every doctor-patient confidentially with my General Practitioner, Surgeons, other doctors and nurses
  15. stole my petrol (gas) – admitted by them – which placed me run out of fuel on the side of the road approximately 30 km from my place of employment and about 30 km from home, there I languished without food, water nor my medication for 2 days and nights, and then placing me at a home not my own and making the mother of the house pay for my extraction after the intervention by another police station
  16. Adrenalin dumped into my current house partner to cause domestic altercations
  17. Adrenalin dumped into myself when I walked into the Administration building causing me to appear aggressive to my line managers
  18. Using this electo-magnetic “radio-devise dumping Melatonin kept me sleeping on work days (particularly Mondays and Fridays) and then manifesting symptoms so that I would walk to my General Practitioner and get medication and a doctors note to explain my absence, this continued until all my sick leave (for a 3 year period) was used up and then I was forced to take unpaid leave.
  19. using this electro-magnetic “radio” devise controlling serotonin levels to keep me depressed
  20. cutting of the electricity in the building where I stay (or so they admit)
  21.  Forcing me using death threats to lose a day of work and spend the entire day in the charge office of a police station on my birthday, after the South African Police had kept me up all night using their electro-magnetic “radio” devise to terrorise myself with a role play where my safety was seemingly put into jeopardy and I spent the night placing my head into washing machines and under metal pots and trays in an attempt to stop the radiation from frying my brain – what a birthday gift
  22. my brothers were told I was a reprobate by the South African Police and as a result my family parted ways
  23. So far the South African Police have told what seems to be 15 people that I am a paedophile, which both slanderous and defaming.
  24. telling me to constantly pull back my foreskin and other lewd things such as children were engaging in sex and that they wanted sex with me. As I passed a child I was informed that the child was circumcised or not-circumcised especially at work how the South African Police knew this remains a mystery. All I can deduce is that they were harassing me. What the aim of the harassment is remains hidden.
  25. illegal imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital to stop me talking out about what was happening and to stop me emailing people about what was happening (orchestrated using this electo-magnetic “radio” devise which puts ideas and thoughts – which you think are your own – into my line managers minds
  26. stopping emails from reaching their intended targets (I’m told that this was done to protect myself)
  27. theft of my phone by the South African Police
  28. theft of my airtime and data by the South African Police
  29. destruction  throwing across the room my Oxford Reference Dictionary by this South African policeman (as this policeman says is to teach me that to challenge the police is a bad idea)
  30. blocked my phone from contacting my friends and my legal council
  31. married me (on a work night) through night – with the South African Police stating that I was dying with a brain injury
  32. burning of my brain, and the heating and (I suspect) the burning the lower about 10 cm of my spinal chord
  33. This self proclaimed paedophile killed two female Siamese fighting fish on separate occasions and by his own admission killed my seedlings and my orchid using herbicide
  34. By his own admission, this self proclaimed paedophile has broken into my apartment and stolen my goods on repeated occasions at least once a month
  35. Used this electo-magnetic devise to tighten my anal sphincter, so that I could not go to the bathroom for a 3 day period
  36. Used this electro-magnetic to squeeze my bladder to make me appear incontinent.

Police Harassment in South Africa – 24 October 2018 (07:00 – 08:40)

About 07:00 Awoken again using this wretched machine! (electo-magnetic radio devise).

Friend S and friend M and an advocate were at a Pretoria East Police Station (beginning with a B) and were harassed non-stop through the afternoon and night. This self-proclaimed Paedophile in the Police Station, dammed me from a dizzying height (or so he says) and then with contempt in his voice (which is all I can detect thanks to this infernal wretched machine) through various contracts at them. Friend S and Friend M and the Advocate have remained civil and courteous, whilst this agent of the South African Government was abusive, lying to suit his own purpose.

This self-proclaimed paedophile now says he is a General from National Intelligence (no less) at least this explains the kind of technology being used against me.

08:22 This agent of the South African Government (the self-proclaimed paedophile) has spent the last hour or so it seems being very aggressive and antagonistic trying to prevent me from leaving the country. After what I have had to endure for the past 11 months (being tethered to an electro-magnetic radio devise that allows the operator of the machine to see, hear, smell, taste and feel – as well as see every thought you have, allows the operator to see every thought you have ever had, and allows them to copy your brain) I cannot with good conscience remain in South Africa – a country where agents of the Government flout the Constitution and Bill of Rights with abandon.

08:31 I an now being harassed for writing what I have, and I am being told to remove what I have posted. With threats that I will never see a cent if these blogs remain.

This agent of the South African Government (who is a self-proclaimed paedophile) has told me that Friend S and Friend M and the Advocate will never speak to me again, no doubt because of his tendency to lie to suit his own purpose with no regard to courtesy nor the Laws that govern South Africa. How a (so-called) General working out of a Police Station in Pretoria East (beginning with a B) can ignore the Law and do whatever he pleases fills me with dread.

This self-proclaimed paedophile General of National Intelligence (who may be merely a Colonel) has deliberately kept me out of all negotiations, so (I believe) he can lie and manipulate the situation to suit his own purpose. What happened and what the truth is has been hidden in a web of lies and deceit. What has South Africa come to?

Here is a summary of the South African Police activities as they have happened to me (or told to me) in the past year (non-stop since mid December 2017):

  1. imprisonment of my mind with non-stop chatter in my head (using the electo-magnetic “radio” devise from the South African Police) which I call harassment
  2. deprived of sleep every night by the South African Police, sometimes all night and this was done on work nights mostly and varied from one night a week to seven nights of no sleep at all
  3. property (books, clothing, food, drinks, and much more) stolen by the South African Police
  4. money stolen from my wallet, no matter where I placed it (even from my bedside) by the South African Police leading to me borrowing from people (who could not understand why I was constantly out of cash)
  5. money removed from my bank account without it reflecting on my banking statements – by the South African Police (and admitted by them) (who could not understand why I was constantly out of cash) carefully planned so that my home loan would default, and this has happened and they are deliberately delaying the compensation payment until the time I loose my home, probably an attempt to “teach me that challenging the police is a bad idea
  6. after the South African Police used the devise, that plants ideas and thoughts into people’s brain and thus becomes part of their thinking, to orchestrate my firing of my job the South African Police delayed the payment of my final salary for five days. Now that I am unemployed (due to their actions) they keep harassing me  causing my debit orders to bounce, causing me financial distress. They keep this harassment continuing day and night, and state that my compensation and the money they stole from me and the property that they stole from me will be delayed (sic.) until I loose my home, probably to teach me “not to challenge the police”.
  7. my brain was torn apart (presumably when the South African Police used this electro-magnetic “radio” devise in a very aggressive manner)
  8. repeated death threats issued by the South African Police and them stating that they tried to kill me by irradiating me (or so they have told me)
  9. continual and non-stop role playing where I was kept from sleep over and over again by the South African Police
  10. using this elecro-magnetic “radio” devise sexually harassment
  11. the loss of my reputation and employment orchestrated (admitted by them – where they placed thoughts and ideas into the heads of the line managers)
  12. loss of my employment (admitted by them – where they constantly harassed me at work, and placed ideas into my line managers heads
  13. changed medical report – stating that I had contracted an HIV infection (admitted by them) and I am now told that to the best of their knowledge I am not infected with HIV
  14. violation of every doctor-patient confidentially with my General Practitioner, Surgeons, other doctors and nurses
  15. stole my petrol (gas) – admitted by them – which placed me run out of fuel on the side of the road approximately 30 km from my place of employment and about 30 km from home, there I languished without food, water nor my medication for 2 days and nights, and then placing me at a home not my own and making the mother of the house pay for my extraction after the intervention by another police station
  16. Adrenalin dumped into my current house partner to cause domestic altercations
  17. Adrenalin dumped into myself when I walked into the Administration building causing me to appear aggressive to my line managers
  18. Using this electo-magnetic “radio-devise dumping Melatonin kept me sleeping on work days (particularly Mondays and Fridays) and then manifesting symptoms so that I would walk to my General Practitioner and get medication and a doctors note to explain my absence, this continued until all my sick leave (for a 3 year period) was used up and then I was forced to take unpaid leave.
  19. using this electro-magnetic “radio” devise controlling serotonin levels to keep me depressed
  20. cutting of the electricity in the building where I stay (or so they admit)
  21.  Forcing me using death threats to lose a day of work and spend the entire day in the charge office of a police station on my birthday, after the South African Police had kept me up all night using their electro-magnetic “radio” devise to terrorise myself with a role play where my safety was seemingly put into jeopardy and I spent the night placing my head into washing machines and under metal pots and trays in an attempt to stop the radiation from frying my brain – what a birthday gift
  22. my brothers were told I was a reprobate by the South African Police and as a result my family parted ways
  23. So far the South African Police have told what seems to be 15 people that I am a paedophile, which both slanderous and defaming.
  24. telling me to constantly pull back my foreskin and other lewd things such as children were engaging in sex and that they wanted sex with me. As I passed a child I was informed that the child was circumcised or not-circumcised especially at work how the South African Police knew this remains a mystery. All I can deduce is that they were harassing me. What the aim of the harassment is remains hidden.
  25. illegal imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital to stop me talking out about what was happening and to stop me emailing people about what was happening (orchestrated using this electo-magnetic “radio” devise which puts ideas and thoughts – which you think are your own – into my line managers minds
  26. stopping emails from reaching their intended targets (I’m told that this was done to protect myself)
  27. theft of my phone by the South African Police
  28. theft of my airtime and data by the South African Police
  29. destruction  throwing across the room my Oxford Reference Dictionary by this South African policeman (as this policeman says is to teach me that to challenge the police is a bad idea)
  30. blocked my phone from contacting my friends and my legal council
  31. married me (on a work night) through night – with the South African Police stating that I was dying with a brain injury
  32. burning of my brain, and the heating and (I suspect) the burning the lower about 10 cm of my spinal chord
  33. This self proclaimed paedophile killed two female Siamese fighting fish on separate occasions and by his own admission killed my seedlings and my orchid using herbicide
  34. By his own admission, this self proclaimed paedophile has broken into my apartment and stolen my goods on repeated occasions at least once a month
  35. Used this electo-magnetic devise to tighten my anal sphincter, so that I could not go to the bathroom for a 3 day period
  36. Used this electro-magnetic to squeeze my bladder to make me appear incontinent.


Police Harassment in South Africa – 23 October 2018

Here is the continuing Police Harassment in South Africa:

Woke again and the wretched electro-magnetic radio devise or machine was still focused onto myself.

Again I was repeatedly harassed by the self-proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police who last night was in a police holding cell in a Police Station in Pretoria East (beginning with a G) and this morning had left the prison cell where he is awaiting hundreds of cases ranging from paedophilia, obstruction, harassment, torture and abuse amongst others. How this person can simply walk out of a holding cell and get access to these wretched machines is beyond comprehension (which he claims are not South African Police equipment but equipment that he says the paedophile group obtained them from the F.B.I.).

I feel I the South African Police Self -Proclaimed Paedophile is working outside the law (see the blog below 22 October 2018) and the South African Police Service is powerless to apprehend this felon.

He claims that nothing I do or say will prevent the loss of my home, the price I guess for coming up against the Paedophile Captain (or whatever his rank is) in the South African Police Service.

I am constantly being asked by the self-proclaimed paedophile in the Police about paedophilia, something obscene.

I think he is harassing me non-stop in an attempt to block my settlement from the South African Police pulling apart my brain, and let this paedophile move from the Pretoria East Police Station (starting with a G) where he moved to from Mpumpulanga (or so he attests) to another victim of his paedophilia, to date he claims to have had sex (statutory rape) with many boys within South Africa.

He claims that he will beat these many charges and that I will not see him coming, mainly because he hides like a coward behind the wretched machine (electro-magnetic radio devise).

This self-proclaimed paedophile was seen by a friend of mine naked with a naked young boy he intervened, but this self-proclaimed paedophile arrested my friend and later released him, probably with nothing on the written record. This so called Police Officer was injecting the naked boy, which he arrogantly bragged he had injected with “Crystal Meth” and then had sexual intercourse (statutory rape) with this boy, which he calls “Waterkloof Boy”. He admits that he has had sexual intercourse with the “Waterkloof Boy” on many occasions.

09:00 and the harassment via the wretched (electro-magnetic radio devise) continues unabated.

This self-proclaimed and rather proud (sic) paedophile in the South African Police Service is a computer hacker and very capable of concocting evidence, something he has already admitted to. It is my opinion that every conviction that this self-proclaimed paedophile (so-called Captain) in the South African Police Service should be re-opened with the a Hawks investigation, as this man is so well connected in the police force that he is able to walk out of holding cells (in Pretoria East in a Police Station beginning with a “G” and ending in an “n”) at will, thus a Police Inquiry may simply lead to nothing due to his connections and his willingness to be corrupt.

This Policeman is a self-proclaimed paedophile and that he says he “wants me in his group” (sick) and that there is nothing that can be done, and is pleading for another two days to harass me – as if the 24 hour 7 days a week and 11 month constant harassment is not sufficient. What has happened is an outrage, and should be up for a Judaical Enquiry perhaps every case he has been involved in should be reviewed; as he concocts evidence (by his own admission) and harasses people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and in my experience 11 months non-stop. Where in the world is there a non-stop 11 month constant interrogation? (other than in this man’s perverted sense of normality).

Even though this self-proclaimed and proud to be paedophile in the South African Police is facing a disciplinary hearing for his conduct he has not yet been suspended, which makes me wonder about the South African Police Service and their protocols.

This self-proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police says that he has a glittering record in the Police Service, which I find astonishing due to his manner and how he ignores court rulings, obstructs the Judiciary and works outside the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This disgrace to the South African Police Service, the self-proclaimed paedophile has now 09:30 threatened my life – again.

This Policeman has now threatened to cut off my ‘wifi’ again. I will post repeatedly every hour so that his actions can be monitored, should I not post then know that his infernal and diabolical activities are bearing fruit.

The South African Policeman that is a self proclaimed paedophile has deliberately withheld the payment of the money he stole from me, to make sure that he leaves an economic scar, on my life. The fact this policeman has admitted to taking money out of my banking account smacks of corruption. (10:00)

His modus operandi seems to be to isolate the victim, destroy his connections with people, destroy their employment, all the while harassing his “victim” non-stop. When people intervene, he lies and obstructs and delays to frustrate the people intervening in the hope that they leave and go on with their lives, so that he (the self-admitted paedophile) can get his claws into them.

10:24 Every time I relax, a question flashes across my mind, “Are you a paedophile?” – I an not a paedophile and find that question sexual harassment, and outrageous! This kind of harassment has continued night and day without respite for 11 months, usually much more viscous.

11:00 This self admitted paedophile constantly harasses me, and refuses to see the President, because he knows full well that his actions have been so far beyond the Law that he will face prosecution and no doubt be fired on the spot (should that kind of thing be allowed.

11:28 This policeman has just admitted to the Colonel and my friend S in the Pretoria East Police Station that beings with a G, that he is the recruiter of a Paedophile Group.

This man that pretends to be a Police Captain (but lies so much, it is a discredit to tbe South African Police Service) would be a bore, if it was not for his harassment.

11:33 This self-proclaimed paedophile and disgusting human being has just threatened the life of myself and my friend S.

11: 38 Using this wretched machine (the electo-magnetic radio devise -which I have endured non-stop since December 2017) this self proclaimed recruiter for the paedophile group in South Africa or perhaps the world to warn all the other paedophiles in his web of perverted individuals to “get out of dodge, the game is up” which he repeated over and over.

Friend S went into conference with the Colonel, and at last I feel that there is an honourable person in this Police Station.

I have never encountered such a despicable and disgusting man in my life, and I pity the people that have actually met this disgrace to humanity. This man that brags about being the recruiter of the paedophile group with over 400 members (or so he brags) needs to treated with contempt and distanced from decent people.

This self proclaimed “recruiter for the paedophile group” has admitted to making up evidence and laying charges that don’t have any evidence to them, and thus I believe this smacks of corruption. His lying and web of sexual deviants I hope will face the full might of the law.

This paedophile (buy his own admission) says that I will get my money, but it will be too late, and that he has placed a month’s delay, and that is the price of coming up against his paedophile group. I trust that this is one of his lies.

He claims that he will not be there tomorrow morning, but based on his behaviour and his web of deceit, I doubt every thing he does and says and feel that every conviction he has any hand in gets reviewed.

14:01 Captain (self proclaimed) Paedophile has changed his tune, probably another role play.

11:48 Captain (self proclaimed) Paedophile who seems not to be a paedophile sent me on a wild goose chase, telling me that they were at the Pretoria East Police Station (beginning with a G), so I walked there, and into the Police Station where I was told that they were at, only to find the door locked and no-one there. As I left these voices told me that they were at Brooklyn, so I walked out into the cold night air, only to be walking around at near midnight in the cool air for NOTHING other than HARASSMENT.

23:59 Still languishing at the wrong end of this wretched machine.


Here is a summary of the South African Police activities as they have happened to me (to the best of my recollection) in the past year (non-stop since mid-December 2017):

  1. my brain was torn apart (presumably when the South African Police used this electro-magnetic “radio” devise in a very aggressive manner) leaving me with three lesions in my brain and a heamatoma.
  2. non-stop chatter in my head (using the electo-magnetic “radio” devise from the South African Police) which I call harassment (and I am sure a court of law would agree to), which interferes with your own thinking, conversations with others, interrupts reading, listening to podcasts and watching television not to mention other activities.
  3. deprived of sleep every night by the South African Police, sometimes all night and this was done on work nights mostly and varied from one night a week to seven nights of no sleep at all. This seems to have been every second week through the year where this amplified.
  4. property (books, clothing, food, drinks, and much more) stolen by the South African Police, they state it has been taken into safe care, but in my book, taking the property without the consent with the owner is theft.
  5. money stolen from my wallet, no matter where I placed it (even from my bedside) by the South African Police leading to me borrowing from people (who could not understand why I was constantly out of cash) as I have an MBA. My youngest brother even said to me how can an MBA graduate not budget and demanded bank statements and a detailed budget. My constant need to cash to get petrol to get to work alienated me from my two brothers as well as all of my friends. It is very demeaning to walk cap in hand to the people close to you to ask for money you need to get petrol to get to work.
  6. money removed from my bank account without it reflecting on my banking statements – by the South African Police (and admitted by them)  I could not understand why I was constantly out of cash. The South African Police carefully planned these thefts so that my home loan would default as well as my debit orders  and in my opinion they are deliberately delaying the compensation payment until the time I loose my home, probably an attempt to “teach me that challenging the police is a bad idea.
  7. I was instructed and punished when I didn’t do it using the electo magnetic devise  and harassed to pick up litter on my walks around, as well as the area around where I stay (to pay penance I was told) on my walks for what seemed for a few weeks, then I put my foot down and refused to continue.
  8. Instructed me to walk around in my new Asics with the laces undone, I have seen many children walk around like this, although I prefer to tie my laces, I was instructed to walk with the laces untied, and this broke the innersole of my brand new Asics shoes.
  9. after the South African Police used the devise (or machine), that plants ideas and thoughts into people’s brain and thus becomes part of their thinking, to orchestrate my firing of my job, the South African Police delayed the payment of my final salary for five days.
  10. Now that I am unemployed (due to the actions of the South African Police) they keep harassing me by stealing my food and petrol (gas) money and causing my debit orders to bounce, causing me financial distress. How the South African Police can take money out of a banking account without it reflecting on the Bank Statement is incomprehensible to myself.  The South African Police keep this harassment continuing day and night, and state that my compensation and the money they stole from me and the property that they stole from me will be delayed (sic.) until I loose my home, probably to teach me “not to challenge the police”.
  11. repeated death threats issued by the South African Police and them stating that they tried to kill me by irradiating me (or so they have told me) I hope that a police officer would not wilfully irradiate a person. I have been told on at least 2 occasions that hit men were after me.
  12. continual and many hours long role-playing where I was kept from sleep over and over again by the South African Police, these role-plays continued with a highly sexual content day and night, whenever they wanted to, even on work nights.
  13. when at work I was told that the children that I encountered are circumcised or not-circumcised, and that they were engaging in sexual activities and that some of them wanted sex with me (sick). I find this particularly disgusting.
  14. using this elecro-magnetic “radio” devise 24 hours a day , seven days a week 11 months without pause, sexually harassing me (see point 11) and further sexual innuendo and most times rather blatant sexual harassment and continual questioning whether I am a paedophile, and the answer remains an unequivocal, NO!
  15. the loss of my reputation due to the harassment at work, and the seemingly deliberate chatter by the South African Police when I was speaking to a child or an adult or whether I was in a meeting. The pattern seems to have been when someone speaks to me, the South African Police speak at the same time, this makes it very difficult to understand what is said to you and gives you that ‘constantly in the dark feeling’ and leaves you out of the loop and  constantly asking people what they are saying, leaving them the feeling that you don’t listen or value their opinion. Something that was levied at my door by a child when they went to the School Administration to complain that I do not listen to them and do not value their input into the lessons. My friend N has repeatedly told me that my “voices” actually the voices of the South African Police Service is more important than him, which hurts me greatly, but I am powerless in this equation as I have never met, nor have been told accurately where they are. But now that it is 21:52 and the Colonel has gone home that they are at a particular Police Station in a particular room, but I have been to this room and the Colonel’s office repeatedly. I have told a Captain that is a Crime Investigator and a Warrant Officer and a Trauma Councillor at this particular Police Station and no-one there seems to have any idea what I am talking about. Even the Colonel himself took me to see the Warrant Officer who listened and took to the Trauma Councillor who listened but I got the impression that they thought I was loosing my mind.
  16. dumping brain chemicals in myself and my friend N. such as Adrenalin to make angry behaviour and aggression, my headmistress said to me that she is scared of me. My friend N became very aggressive about these voices in my head and I felt his frustration in a emotional and physical sense. I refuse to blame N for any of his actions as I know full well that he is a gentle person that is not prone to these aggressive outbursts and say the hands of this wreathed machine in each outburst, thus it was not him acting in an aggressive manner, but rather him being manipulated without his consent or knowledge by a machine operated by an officer of the South African Police.
  17. The South African Police Service dumped Melatonin into my brain to put me to sleep. On Mondays and Fridays particularly, probably due to my Prefect Meetings and S.R.C. meetings I was deliberately kept sleeping until it was too late to report to work, and symptoms were manifested (no doubt in my mind – that these were caused by the police’s electro-magentic machine and I went to the doctor to get a sick note to take to work. This happened so often that I used up all of my 3 year sick leave in 2018 and even needed to take 4 days of unpaid leave. My habitual absence from work was one of the cations that led to my dismissal, even though this was no fault of my own, I was a victim of the circumstances I found my self in and could in no way know when it would happen or how to stop if from happening. I was told that it was a consultant, a policeman, and National Intelligence that was harassing me, it transpires that it was a police man. How do you lay a charge against someone you cannot see or who would not state their identity. As far as I know a Police Officer needs to identify themselves when asked to by a citizen of the country.
  18. The termination of my employment, orchestrated and admitted by the South African Police – where they placed thoughts and ideas into the heads of the line managers to fire me when after a particular rigorous beating (I felt this secret of what was happening was a burden to heavy to carry on my own any more) I was told that if I told anyone what was going on I would be arrested on the spot, and other immoral and demeaning things would happen – I burst into the office of the Headmistress and no doubt Adrenalin had or was dumped as I burst out with what was happening and they were aghast. I am sure that all the students and the staff could easily attest to the change in my behaviour during 2018 as the “hammering” of myself continued 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether I am at work of not. My line managers response to what I had to tell them was to google what what was happening and finding nothing, thus deducing that I was hearing auditory hallucinations  and thus a danger to the staff and pupils, and I was then given notice of my hearing.
  19. loss of my employment (admitted by them – where they constantly harassed me at work, and placed ideas into my line managers heads (see point 15) and then using this electo-magnetic machine placed ideas (admitted by the Police) to fire me into the people that attended in my hearing. When I looked at the outcome I saw (probably because the Police using the machine) that I was not fired, but when it was read out it turned out that I was fired because of the constant and particularity  debilitating actions rather than my own actions.
  20. changed medical report – stating that I had contracted an HIV infection (admitted by them) and I am now told that to the best of their knowledge I am not infected with HIV. The SA police (in my opinion) stole my salary and paid only enough to me to chose food or medication. As I was repeatedly told (in October 2018) that I was in fact HIV negative I chose food. This choice was not easy but I have a friend living me and no food was simply untenable. It turns out that even though I received my salary (or rather part there of) late my friend N’s mother had to use her birthday double salary to help us get food to eat.
  21. violation of every doctor-patient confidentially with my General Practitioner, Surgeons, other doctors and nurses – the South African Police kept speaking to me using their wretched machine even when I was being attended by medical practitioners and doctors. The police kept on speaking to me even when I was in surgery, need I remind you that they have kept their wretched machine focused on me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 11 months so far.
  22. stole my petrol (gas) – admitted by them, the South African Police Captain (or so he states) stated that they siphoned petrol out of my motor vehicle – which placed me run out of fuel on the side of the road approximately 30 km from my place of employment and about 30 km from home, there I languished without food, water nor my medication for 2 days and nights, and then placing me at a home not my own and making the mother of the house pay for my extraction after the intervention by another police station
  23. Adrenalin dumped into my current house partner to cause domestic altercations which I find absolutely abhorrent. It seems to me that this paedophile so called Captain wanted me for his paedophile ring, to get this he must scare away all my friends and contacts, so no doubt dammed me to my brothers and my friends so that they would distance themselves from myself. To make me vulnerable he had to get rid of the people that cared about me and would frustrate his ambitions, thus he had to get my current friend N to leave my home, then he could really get his clutches in.
  24. Adrenalin dumped into myself when I walked into the Administration building causing me to appear aggressive to my line managers and frequent and habitual dumping of various hormones to
  25. Using this electo-magnetic “radio-devise dumping Melatonin kept me sleeping on work days (particularly Mondays and Fridays) and then manifesting symptoms so that I would walk to my General Practitioner and get medication and a doctors note to explain my absence, this continued until all my sick leave (for a 3 year period) was used up and then I was forced to take unpaid leave.
  26. using this electro-magnetic “radio” devise controlling serotonin levels to keep me depressed
  27. cutting of the electricity in the building where I stay (or so they admit)
  28.  Forcing me using death threats to lose a day of work and spend the entire day in the charge office of a police station on my birthday, after the South African Police had kept me up all night using their electro-magnetic “radio” devise to terrorise myself with a role play where my safety was seemingly put into jeopardy and I spent the night placing my head into washing machines and under metal pots and trays in an attempt to stop the radiation from frying my brain – what a birthday gift
  29. my brothers were told I was a reprobate by the South African Police and as a result my family parted ways
  30. So far the South African Police have told what seems to be 15 people that I am a paedophile, which both slanderous and defaming.
  31. telling me to constantly pull back my foreskin and other lewd things such as children were engaging in sex and that they wanted sex with me. As I passed a child I was informed that the child was circumcised or not-circumcised especially at work how the South African Police knew this remains a mystery. All I can deduce is that they were harassing me. What the aim of the harassment is remains hidden.
  32. illegal imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital to stop me talking out about what was happening and to stop me emailing people about what was happening (orchestrated using this electo-magnetic “radio” devise which puts ideas and thoughts – which you think are your own – into my line managers minds
  33. stopping emails from reaching their intended targets (I’m told that this was done to protect myself)
  34. theft of my iPhone by the South African Police
  35. theft of my airtime and data by the South African Police
  36. destruction  throwing across the room my Oxford Reference Dictionary by this South African policeman (as this policeman says is to teach me that to challenge the police is a bad idea)
  37. blocked my phone from contacting my friends and my legal council
  38. married me (on a work night) through night – with the South African Police stating that I was dying with a brain injury
  39. burning of my brain, and the heating and (I suspect) the burning the lower about 10 cm of my spinal chord
  40. This self proclaimed paedophile killed two female Siamese fighting fish on separate occasions and by his own admission killed my seedlings and my orchid using herbicide
  41. By his own admission, this self proclaimed paedophile Captain of the South African Police has broken into my apartment and stolen my goods on repeated occasions at least once a month taking many goods that I considered valuable and had special significance to myself
  42. Used this electo-magnetic devise to tighten my anal sphincter, so that I could not go to the bathroom for a 3 day period causing me considerable pain as my sciatic nerve was constricted.
  43. Used this electro-magnetic to squeeze my bladder after I urinate to make me appear incontinent.
  44. This self-proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police claims to be a Captain and claims that he has irradiated my kidneys, which I felt but because he has deliberately placed myself into the self-payment gap in my medical aid and has stolen my money over what seems to be years as money has disappeared out of my bank account and was never reflected on the bank statement, I have not been able to verify his arrogant claims.
  45. This arrogant South African Police so called “Captain” blocked my calls to Friend S and Friend M and my legal council as well as to the President’s Office. So when I call them the call just drops. He has thus deprived me of legal council about his action which have been unconstitutional and violate the South African Bill of Rights.
  46. The

Here is a summary of the Bill of Rights and in Red is how this paedophile Police Officer violated my rights:

Equality: All people are equal and must be treated equally.

I was treated differently, as I was subjected to the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so far for 11 months.

I was instructed to pick up litter and belittle myself in my neighbourhood.

Life: Everyone has the right to life. No-one can be sentenced to death by the courts.

I have been threatened with death on repeated occasions and my brain has been irradiated using the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise)

I have been told that there will be 400 paedophiles using this wretched machine (electo-magnetic devise) to target me and kill me.

Irradiation of my brain and other body parts using the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise) for 11 months non stop. This machine can only be used for a two month period safely.

Lesions in my brain (probably caused by the brutal use of the wretched machine (electo-magnetic radio devise)


Human dignity: The government must respect all people. People must respect each other.

I have been beaten with a paedophile stick by a paedophile police officer and had to keep it secret or be arrested with horrific things happening in the cell.

Sexual harassment

Abusive language being called a paedophile when you are not

Theft of my property and money over 11 months

Freedom and security: No-one can be put in prison without good reason. No-one can be held in jail without a court trial. No-one can be tortured. Everyone has the right to be free from all forms of violence.

My brain and my body has been held captive and imprisoned  by the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise)

Constant harassment using the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise)

Pulling apart of my brain

Sleep deprivation

Burning of my brain

Burning of my spinal chord

Compression of my cochlea to cause hearing dammage

Pulling the eye nerve (from the retina) to cause blindness

Heating of my teeth

tightening closing of the anal sphincter

Slavery, servitude and forced labour: No-one can be forced to work for someone else. Everyone has the right to choose who to work for, and what work you do. Everyone must be paid for their work.

Picking up litter

Personal privacy: No-one can be searched or have their home or possessions searched. The government cannot take anyone’s things, open people’s mail or listen to their phone calls.

Wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise) allowing the South African Police Officer who admitted that he is a paedophile seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling everything I saw, heared, felt, tasted, smelt, thus this wretched machine invaded my privacy for 11 months non-stop

Invasion of my home over an 11 month period

Theft of my property over an 11 month period

Theft of my money from my wallet

Theft of my money from my bank account over 11 months (as far as I can see)

I was instructed to masturbate and have sex knowing that this Paedophile Police Officer could see, hear, smell, feel and taste everything I could taste

Control over my electronic things (from television, phones, computers, remotes)

Freedom of religion, belief and opinion: Everyone can believe in whatever they want and can follow the religion of their choice. This includes not believing in any god.

Freedom of speech and expression: Everyone, including the press, may write, say or print photographs or show film of whatever they want, as long as they do not break the law. But no-one is allowed to encourage violence and cause harm with ‘hate speech’ such as racist or sexist language.

Forcing me to delete posts


Assembly of demonstration: All people are free to organise and take part in public meetings and demonstrations and to present petitions, as long as it is done peacefully.

Freedom of association: Everyone can meet with or be friends with whomever they like.

Political rights: All citizens of South Africa can start or join a political party and vote in secret if they are over 18 years old. They can put themselves forward for election in a municipality, or for national government.

Access to information: People have the right to get all information the government and anyone else has, if they need that information to protect their rights.

Denied the change to see the charges that (were so called) levied against me by this self proclaimed paedophile by him not identifing hik

Citizenship: No-one’s South African citizenship can ever be taken away from them.


Freedom of movement and residence: Anyone can go or live anywhere they want in South Africa. All citizens can leave the country and come back again at any time.

Freedom of business, occupation and profession: Everyone has the right to do whatever legal work they want so long as they have the skills, experience or qualification needed for the job.

Labour relations: Everyone has the right to be treated fairly at work. Anyone can join a workers’ union and go on strike.

Environment: All people have the right to a healthy environment.

Property: Everyone has the right to own and sell property. The only time your property can be taken away from you by the government is if they are going to use it for a public purpose, such as building a dam or railway line. If this happens, the property owner must be paid a fair price for it.

Housing: No-one can stop you from getting a house, but the government does not have to give everyone a house. Rather, government must help people to get their own homes. If you have a house the government cannot take your house away from you. You cannot be evicted from your home if you own it.

Healthcare, food, water and social security: Some people cannot support themselves and their dependants. The government must do things to make sure that those people can get access to healthcare services, food and water, and financial help (social grants).

Children: All children have the right to parental care, shelter and healthy food. Children may not be neglected or abused, or forced to work. They have the right to get legal help if they are charged with a crime.

Education: Everyone has the right to a basic education in the language of their choice, where this is possible.

Religion, language and culture: Everyone can use the language and follow the culture or the religion that they choose. (This includes the right to not follow any religion.) But all people must respect everyone else’s human rights when they do so.

Access to courts: You can have a legal problem decided by a court. The government must provide you with a lawyer if you cannot afford one.

Just administration: Actions taken by the government or government departments must be legal and in line South African law and justice system.

Arrested, detained and accused persons: If you are arrested, you have the right to a lawyer and visits from family members. You may not to be kept in jail without good reason. You must be kept in proper living conditions and may not be forced to speak or to make a confession.

Police Harassment in South Africa – 22/10/18

22 October 2018

This is how the South African Police continued their harassment today the 22nd of October 2018:

Awoken using an electro-magnetic “radio” devise or machine used by the Police in South Africa that places thoughts and voices into your head at an hour before 6 AM. On awaking I was asked if I was a sexual deviant. I replied “No, I am not”, and then I asked the Police Officer on the other side of the electro-magnetic “radio” link if he was a paedophile, to which he said he said, “I am a paedophile” I am outraged that there is a paedophile in the South African Police and that the General that is there is taking his time to do anything.

I was then harassed using this electo-magnetic “radio” devise continually as has happened all  year. Due to this harassment I decided to start my day. I ate two wheet-bix breakfast bricks with milk and a dash of sugar. The harassment continued unabated as it has done every second of every day since the middle of December 2017 (or so I recall). This policeman has harassed me so much with sexual innuendo it is appalling.

This policeman abused me and tortured me using this electro-magnetic “radio” devise regularly so this kind of behaviour has become routine. Not that it is easy to admit that harassment and abuse has become routine, it is a sad indictment of the conduct of the South African Police.

I was so outraged by his messages that he played into my head where it appears he took my Oxford Reference Dictionary and threw it across the room, where the South African Police broadcast from. It needs to be remembered that this Policeman (and or his henchmen) have harassed me non-stop since December 2017 and has even allowed his wife to make use of police “machines” to continue this harassment 24 hours a day, with out respite (or so it seems) since mid-December 2017.

I then walked to the Garsfontein Police station and walked to the Colonel’s office and asked why I had not been contacted by the Colonel, as last week on Thursday, I went to his office to report the non-stop harassment of myself by a policeman who has acted outside the South African constitution and violated with regularity the South African Bill of Rights. But as he is a self-proclaimed paedophile I perhaps should not be surprised by his actions. He threw my Oxford Reference Dictionary across the room where he is broadcasting from, and this surprised me, but as he is a self-proclaimed paedophile he seems to enjoy destroying things, as he willingly destroys the lives of children.

As I reflect on the year I must conclude that the South African Police are abusers and tortures and harass people. To date this policeman that is a self-proclaimed paedophile has harassed myself, a friend named N, a friend named S, a friend named M, two advocates, a General of the Police  and a Judge (and that was only last night into this morning to 08:20 am).

08:20: This self-proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police has told the General that he is going to keep me on this elecro-magnetic “radio” link until I confess that I am a paedophile, to which my answer is an ABSOLUTE NO.

This policeman has just told me that “I must not worry, he knows I am not a paedophile”. But that he will harass me non-stop until I state that I am a paedophile, which I am not. He states he has spent so much money he cannot go away without a “scalp”.

This self-proclaimed South African Police paedophile then started buzzing my ears using this electo-magnetic “radio” devise. And using this elecro-magnetic “radio” devise pushed deep into my brain the question “Are you a paedophile?” to which the answer is “No!”

Again I was asked repeatedly, “are you a paedophile”, to which the answer is “NO!”

It seems that the General has stated that I need to be turned off (sic.) and that I should be paid compensation, to which this self-proclaimed paedophile policeman asked how much.

I was then told that the General has ordered my arrest, probably to stop me putting the South African Police into disrepute. This despite the fact that the South African Police have repeatedly violated my rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights, and violated the constitution. I had previously heard a month or so ago that I should be arrested on a made-up charge to “teach me respect”.

I am being asked not to do this. But I was told in no uncertain terms when this harassment, abuse and torture began in December 2017, that If I told anyone what was going on I would be arrested on the spot, and that I would be placed naked into a cell, injected with an illegal substance and then a boy would be placed naked into the cell with me.

But I am so outraged by the constant harassment, and the repeated abuse and repeated torture at the hands of the South African Police that I now appeal to the International Community to bring pressure onto the South African Police for 24 hours a day constant harassment (since December 2017), the abuse and torture of myself and my friends as well as the South African Police violating my constitutional rights as enshrined in the Bill of Rights as well as violating the South African Constitution.

The self-proclaimed paedophile policeman has just informed me that “they have abused me for years”.

I am now being told that this policeman is now putting into writing that I am NOT a paedophile.

Despite writing this and a General (or so I’m told) telling this self-proclaimed paedophile to turn me off (sic.), I am constantly being asked if I am a paedophile. The answer is a absolute NO!!

This self proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police is now stating that I will only be “turned off” (sic.) if I delete this post. And as I type I am being told that the South African Police tried to kill me, which I find an outrage.

This self proclaimed paedophile South African Policeman kept me pinned down awaiting being turned off from about 07:00 until 18:30 and repeatedly asked me if I was a paedophile and the answer remains NO!!!!!

This self proclaimed paedophile heated up my molar claiming that the South African Police had already payed for my teeth.

This self proclaimed paedophile Policeman says that his only hope is for me to state that I am a paedophile to justify his brutality and abuse, and his job. But the answer is that I am NOT A PAEDOPHILE, unlike him, who further states that if he is placed into jail he will be dead in a week. I feel that a policeman that is a paedophile could have a torrid time in jail.

This self proclaimed paedophile policeman says he will beat a confession out of me – between now and when my so-called money clears, and he says the evidence that the police gathered against this self-proclaimed paedophile and his wife will go missing (implying police corruption).

The policeman that admitted paedophilia to a judge, still has this electro-magnetic “radio” devise that places thoughts, ideas into one’s head has just said that my name is to be put onto a paedophile watch list, this I find outrageous as this policeman is the self-proclaimed paedophile and I am NOT A PAEDOPHILE.

This self-proclaimed policeman who for the whole of the year failed to identify himself despite being asked repeatedly, and my friend S had to run fingerprinting to identify this so-called officer of the law.

This self-proclaimed paedophile policeman states rather arrogantly that he is going to keep this wretched devise plugged into my body until my home loan defaults and I am thrown into the street. In his own words, “I have to learn that challenging the police is a bad idea.

The fact that this self proclaimed paedophile can operate this kind of machinery and keep his employment in the South African Police force, despite admitting to having sexual intercourse with a minor and admitted to injecting the boy with what he described “Crystal Meth”. I wonder just what ethical decisions were made to one, employ him and two continue his employment despite him admitting these crimes to several high ranking people, including a Police General.

Today’s meeting that S and M and another advocate, a Police General and a Justice attended (at least that is what I heard), was done so that S and M would be distanced from myself. A deliberate play by the South African Police to try to beat me into submission, by removing the people that I had asked for to negotiate the compensation for the tearing of my brain, and the abuse, torture and harassment that has happened over the past 11  months.

The South African Police or perhaps this policeman has known since 13 January 2018 that there are three brain lesions and a heamatoma on the top left hemisphere of my brain, as they mandated that and that they would need to compensate, the South African Police said that they would take responsibility for these lesions, however they South African police have harassed, abused and tortured myself since December 2017 until this point, 22nd October 2018. Despite these injuries the South African Police continued to pull, squeeze, rock and manipulate my brain, I only hope that they took greater care post these injuries, but I have to ask why they continued to harass and abuse me and at times torture me, I can only assume that it was to make me “go away”.

I have been repeatedly been asked to have sexual intercourse, while the South African Police have their electro-magnetic devise plugged into every nerve, bone, muscle of my body. They can see what I can see, hear what I hear, taste what I taste, smell what I smell and feel what I feel. Knowing this I feel their request a perverted request, to which I repeatedly stated that I am NOT a porn-star. This has of course placed my relationship at risk, as no carnal activity has happened since knowing what they could detect.

This self-proclaimed paedophile policeman has walked out of South African Police Holding Cells on at least 3 occasions, where he used his forked tongue to appeal to people that he had manipulated to open his prison door.

This self-proclaimed paedophile has repeatedly given me headaches with his electro-magnetic machine.

He has threatened to cut my wifi and my electricity. I will verify if this happens before midnight. If no verification comes assume that my wifi and electricity was cut. I will post each day, should a day be missed please assume that my wifi and or my electricity and or my person have been removed by the self-proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police Service. It is 22:45 and my electricity and wifi has not been cut off.

I have been repeatedly threatened with arrest, and at one point someone in the South African Police Service said, “Arrest him on a trumped up charge”. This I find outrageous and I hope that it was said in jest, but I fear that this is how this police service works, in that they use the threat of arrest or even an actual arrest (on a made up charge) to force people into submission.

18:42 – I have been told that I am being “turned off” (does that mean that I will not like this individual, or does it mean that I am being terminated, or does it mean that this wretched machine is being turned off, and that it will take about an hour. But I have been told this for about 5 or so weeks every day and night and have been pinned down in one position for hours at a time while nothing happens – except this self-proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police Service ‘plays’ with my brain, which he claims is the dislocating of neurons in my brain. Let’s hope that this time it is for real, but I don’t expect that he will keep his word, as he has repeatedly broken his word over the past 11 months. It is now 19:49 and I have not been “unplugged” (sic). I have been told that there is only residual energy, but this has happened before and I simply don’t believe it. I find the lies told to me by an Officer of the Law (be he a paedophile or not) is conduct unbecoming of an Officer of the Law.

I am not told that I am now being “turned off” (19:55), but I believe that this is a blatant lie by a Officer of the Law, and I ask myself how can an Officer of the Law behave in this manner, surely it is conduct unbecoming or a police officer. 21:19 and I am still connected with this electro-magentic devise that seems to beam voices and thoughts into your head. I am still connected to this wretched machine at 22:28, thus the South African Police lie.

The South African Police knew on the 13th January that they had taken responsibility for the lesions that are in my brain, and instead of owning up and paying compensation, they dithered and tried to make me “go away” by harassing me non-stop 24 hours a day, breaking operational procedures (apparently), the Bill or Rights and the South African Constitution. What staggers me is that this matter has drawn on from 13 January till 22 October with the South African Police being unwilling or unable to come to the conclusion that compensation is owed for the brain lesions and the abuse and harassment and the occasions of torture.

I was told by the South African Police that they knew in January 2018, that they knew I was not a paedophile, and by April they were sure that this was not the case. But they also know that if I admit to being a paedophile they can simply walk away and place me on a watch list or even a jail cell and the compensation would not need to be paid and this is the course of action they have embarked on by harassing me, abusing me and torturing me and beating with the “paedophile stick”. I find their behaviour of beating me with a paedophile stick, even though they know that I am not a paedophile, is simply appalling and find the dishonour a serious problem to countenance.

When I try to read a book, which I enjoy, the harassment steps up. It seems to me that this Policeman is systematically removing (presumably from my brain using their wretched machine) all the things I enjoy, they have stolen things that I consider important and enjoy and have harassed me non stop. When I do something I enjoy the harassment increases and right now I have very little joy in my life. I try to place a bit of joy into the lives of those that pass my path, by continuing with my smile campaign. Your brain also releases feel-good neurotransmitters, including dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin, when a smile flashes across your face. These brain chemicals aid in calming your nervous system by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. ( accessed on 22 October 2018). In my world when you engage a person, you should smile and they almost always smile back, then you must compliment them on their beautiful smile, as all smiling faces are beautiful. This brings a little joy to your life and a little joy to their life, a win-win.

The South African Police have threatened to cut off my water supply.

This police officer has obstructed the legal system on a regular basis, as far as I am aware, he has broken 17 contracts that have been negotiated and signed, and all he does is simply breach the contract and keep on with the in my opinion illegal 24 hour non-stop harassment of myself (Act 17 of 2011) prohibits harassment either direct or indirect. “Harassment under the Act includes both direct and indirect conduct that either causes harm or that inspires the person complaining of harassment (“the complainant”) to reasonably believe that harm may be caused.” ( accessed 22 October 2018) I have been unable to check the legality of this harassment as this so-called Captain of the South African Police have blocked my calls to my legal council, blocked the calls to my friend S, and blocked my calls to the Presidency Office.

This Police Officer has stopped my emails from reaching:

  1. The head of the Police Portfolio Committee in the South African Parliament.
  2. The Commissioner of Police
  3. Numerous emails the the office of the President of the Republic of South Africa.
  4. amongst others

The South African Police Captain (or so I’m led to believe, says that he is “repairing my brain damage with this electo-magnetic devise or machine, and if that is true I wonder why hospitals are not making use of these machines. This I doubt as I believe he is manipulating the situation by saying this to my friends S and M who are representing me in the negotiations buying time to worm his way out of paedophilia charges (which to the best of knowledge have been levied against him).

This police officer has told me that a General (no less) has ordered that I be remanded in a police cell, which I can only understand is punishment for challenging the police after 11 months of 24 hours a day of harassment, abuse and torture on occasions. He now states that this is not happening and he is only pushing my buttons.

I am now being told that charged are now being levied on what I have written here. I must express that what I have placed on this forum is the reality as far as I can ascertain, as I have consistently been given the wrong Police Station to go to, when discussions are underway I am cut off and my ability to make contact with the people in the room is cut with either my hearing being blocked or others microphones being cut off. So far I have been to two Police Stations  on repeated occasions only to find that no one there knows what I am talking about. This makes me question my sanity, but I know I am same, and this policeman constantly tries to cover up this pulling apart of my brain with secrecy, in my opinion trying to cover up the mistake of using an experimental machine on me (which violates my Bill of Rights) as I did not and would not give the Police my consent to use an Experimental Machine that manipulates a brain and nerves and places thoughts and ideas into a person on me.  Secondary ,they are trying to cover up the lesions and heamotoma in my brain. Why the South African Police are acting in this way astounds me as all the police officers that I have met seem to be honourable good men, but this man that hides behind this wretched machine seems to be cut from a different cloth.

The harassment continues unabated (from December 2018), and I am now reading a prospectus for a foreign university, and this policeman that is and has harassed me, and at times abused me and tortured me, says that I should not leave the country. But how can I with good conscience stay in a country that tolerates a citizen to be harassed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and to date 11 months without a moment’s respite. Surely living in a country that tolerates this behaviour from an Officer of the Law cannot be a place I would like to live or bring up children.

I am now being told that I am not being “turned off” because I am thinking of leaving the county.

I am now informed that I am being medically boarded, this despite any medical evaluation or examination. How a Police Officer can medically board someone with no medical opinion is astonishing.

I cannot get my head around how an Officer of the Law and a Captain to boot, can flout or break the Law with such abandon. This Captain has clearly operated outside the South African Constitution, and has broken the South African Bill of Rights repeatedly. He has obstructed at least 2 Judges of the South African Bench, has violated contracts and ignored court orders. How a high ranking Officer, such as a Captain can do this is with impunity and with no recourse to the Judaical or the Administration Arm of the South African Government is a marvel.

I am now informed 22:39 that the person that is harassing me with this wretched machine is a colonel not a captain, but the fact that an Officer of the Law lies, is a paedophile by his own admittance, and walks out of 17 (or so it seems) contracts, with abandon and ignores court orders and lies to a General, the Colonel of the police station where he is currently operating, Friend S and Friend M and two advocates and a Justice from the bench. How this can be tolerated is beyond me. No matter his rank his actions and his constant web of lies and deceit not to mention his obstructive and arrogant behaviour towards all he meets is surely without any debate conduct unbecoming of a Police Officer of any rank.

He keeps saying that he is sorry for what he has done, but he does not see that his actions belie his words. His actions say very clearly that he is not sorry at all. Perhaps this paedophile could be a Sociopath, which would certainly preclude them from serving in an organ of state like a Police Force.

Here is a summary of the South African Police activities as they have happened to me (or told to me) in the past year (non-stop since mid December 2017):

  1. my brain was torn apart (presumably when the South African Police used this electro-magnetic “radio” devise in a very aggressive manner) leaving me with three lesions in my brain and a heamatoma.
  2. non-stop chatter in my head (using the electo-magnetic “radio” devise from the South African Police) which I call harassment (and I am sure a court of law would agree to), which interferes with your own thinking, conversations with others, interrupts reading, listening to podcasts and watching television not to mention other activities.
  3. deprived of sleep every night by the South African Police, sometimes all night and this was done on work nights mostly and varied from one night a week to seven nights of no sleep at all. This seems to have been every second week through the year where this amplified.
  4. property (books, clothing, food, drinks, and much more) stolen by the South African Police, they state it has been taken into safe care, but in my book, taking the property without the consent with the owner is theft.
  5. money stolen from my wallet, no matter where I placed it (even from my bedside) by the South African Police leading to me borrowing from people (who could not understand why I was constantly out of cash) as I have an MBA. My youngest brother even said to me how can an MBA graduate not budget and demanded bank statements and a detailed budget. My constant need to cash to get petrol to get to work alienated me from my two brothers as well as all of my friends. It is very demeaning to walk cap in hand to the people close to you to ask for money you need to get petrol to get to work.
  6. money removed from my bank account without it reflecting on my banking statements – by the South African Police (and admitted by them)  I could not understand why I was constantly out of cash. The South African Police carefully planned these thefts so that my home loan would default as well as my debit orders  and in my opinion they are deliberately delaying the compensation payment until the time I loose my home, probably an attempt to “teach me that challenging the police is a bad idea.
  7. I was instructed and punished when I didn’t do it using the electo magnetic devise  and harassed to pick up litter on my walks around, as well as the area around where I stay (to pay penance I was told) on my walks for what seemed for a few weeks, then I put my foot down and refused to continue.
  8. Instructed me to walk around in my new Asics with the laces undone, I have seen many children walk around like this, although I prefer to tie my laces, I was instructed to walk with the laces untied, and this broke the innersole of my brand new Asics shoes.
  9. after the South African Police used the devise (or machine), that plants ideas and thoughts into people’s brain and thus becomes part of their thinking, to orchestrate my firing of my job, the South African Police delayed the payment of my final salary for five days.
  10. Now that I am unemployed (due to the actions of the South African Police) they keep harassing me by stealing my food and petrol (gas) money and causing my debit orders to bounce, causing me financial distress. How the South African Police can take money out of a banking account without it reflecting on the Bank Statement is incomprehensible to myself.  The South African Police keep this harassment continuing day and night, and state that my compensation and the money they stole from me and the property that they stole from me will be delayed (sic.) until I loose my home, probably to teach me “not to challenge the police”.
  11. repeated death threats issued by the South African Police and them stating that they tried to kill me by irradiating me (or so they have told me) I hope that a police officer would not wilfully irradiate a person. I have been told on at least 2 occasions that hit men were after me.
  12. continual and many hours long role-playing where I was kept from sleep over and over again by the South African Police, these role-plays continued with a highly sexual content day and night, whenever they wanted to, even on work nights.
  13. when at work I was told that the children that I encountered are circumcised or not-circumcised, and that they were engaging in sexual activities and that some of them wanted sex with me (sick). I find this particularly disgusting.
  14. using this elecro-magnetic “radio” devise 24 hours a day , seven days a week 11 months without pause, sexually harassing me (see point 11) and further sexual innuendo and most times rather blatant sexual harassment and continual questioning whether I am a paedophile, and the answer remains an unequivocal, NO!
  15. the loss of my reputation due to the harassment at work, and the seemingly deliberate chatter by the South African Police when I was speaking to a child or an adult or whether I was in a meeting. The pattern seems to have been when someone speaks to me, the South African Police speak at the same time, this makes it very difficult to understand what is said to you and gives you that ‘constantly in the dark feeling’ and leaves you out of the loop and  constantly asking people what they are saying, leaving them the feeling that you don’t listen or value their opinion. Something that was levied at my door by a child when they went to the School Administration to complain that I do not listen to them and do not value their input into the lessons. My friend N has repeatedly told me that my “voices” actually the voices of the South African Police Service is more important than him, which hurts me greatly, but I am powerless in this equation as I have never met, nor have been told accurately where they are. But now that it is 21:52 and the Colonel has gone home that they are at a particular Police Station in a particular room, but I have been to this room and the Colonel’s office repeatedly. I have told a Captain that is a Crime Investigator and a Warrant Officer and a Trauma Councillor at this particular Police Station and no-one there seems to have any idea what I am talking about. Even the Colonel himself took me to see the Warrant Officer who listened and took to the Trauma Councillor who listened but I got the impression that they thought I was loosing my mind.
  16. dumping brain chemicals in myself and my friend N. such as Adrenalin to make angry behaviour and aggression, my headmistress said to me that she is scared of me. My friend N became very aggressive about these voices in my head and I felt his frustration in a emotional and physical sense. I refuse to blame N for any of his actions as I know full well that he is a gentle person that is not prone to these aggressive outbursts and say the hands of this wreathed machine in each outburst, thus it was not him acting in an aggressive manner, but rather him being manipulated without his consent or knowledge by a machine operated by an officer of the South African Police.
  17. The South African Police Service dumped Melatonin into my brain to put me to sleep. On Mondays and Fridays particularly, probably due to my Prefect Meetings and S.R.C. meetings I was deliberately kept sleeping until it was too late to report to work, and symptoms were manifested (no doubt in my mind – that these were caused by the police’s electro-magentic machine and I went to the doctor to get a sick note to take to work. This happened so often that I used up all of my 3 year sick leave in 2018 and even needed to take 4 days of unpaid leave. My habitual absence from work was one of the cations that led to my dismissal, even though this was no fault of my own, I was a victim of the circumstances I found my self in and could in no way know when it would happen or how to stop if from happening. I was told that it was a consultant, a policeman, and National Intelligence that was harassing me, it transpires that it was a police man. How do you lay a charge against someone you cannot see or who would not state their identity. As far as I know a Police Officer needs to identify themselves when asked to by a citizen of the country.
  18. The termination of my employment, orchestrated and admitted by the South African Police – where they placed thoughts and ideas into the heads of the line managers to fire me when after a particular rigorous beating (I felt this secret of what was happening was a burden to heavy to carry on my own any more) I was told that if I told anyone what was going on I would be arrested on the spot, and other immoral and demeaning things would happen – I burst into the office of the Headmistress and no doubt Adrenalin had or was dumped as I burst out with what was happening and they were aghast. I am sure that all the students and the staff could easily attest to the change in my behaviour during 2018 as the “hammering” of myself continued 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether I am at work of not. My line managers response to what I had to tell them was to google what what was happening and finding nothing, thus deducing that I was hearing auditory hallucinations  and thus a danger to the staff and pupils, and I was then given notice of my hearing.
  19. loss of my employment (admitted by them – where they constantly harassed me at work, and placed ideas into my line managers heads (see point 15) and then using this electo-magnetic machine placed ideas (admitted by the Police) to fire me into the people that attended in my hearing. When I looked at the outcome I saw (probably because the Police using the machine) that I was not fired, but when it was read out it turned out that I was fired because of the constant and particularity  debilitating actions rather than my own actions.
  20. changed medical report – stating that I had contracted an HIV infection (admitted by them) and I am now told that to the best of their knowledge I am not infected with HIV. The SA police (in my opinion) stole my salary and paid only enough to me to chose food or medication. As I was repeatedly told (in October 2018) that I was in fact HIV negative I chose food. This choice was not easy but I have a friend living me and no food was simply untenable. It turns out that even though I received my salary (or rather part there of) late my friend N’s mother had to use her birthday double salary to help us get food to eat.
  21. violation of every doctor-patient confidentially with my General Practitioner, Surgeons, other doctors and nurses – the South African Police kept speaking to me using their wretched machine even when I was being attended by medical practitioners and doctors. The police kept on speaking to me even when I was in surgery, need I remind you that they have kept their wretched machine focused on me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 11 months so far.
  22. stole my petrol (gas) – admitted by them, the South African Police Captain (or so he states) stated that they siphoned petrol out of my motor vehicle – which placed me run out of fuel on the side of the road approximately 30 km from my place of employment and about 30 km from home, there I languished without food, water nor my medication for 2 days and nights, and then placing me at a home not my own and making the mother of the house pay for my extraction after the intervention by another police station
  23. Adrenalin dumped into my current house partner to cause domestic altercations which I find absolutely abhorrent. It seems to me that this paedophile so called Captain wanted me for his paedophile ring, to get this he must scare away all my friends and contacts, so no doubt dammed me to my brothers and my friends so that they would distance themselves from myself. To make me vulnerable he had to get rid of the people that cared about me and would frustrate his ambitions, thus he had to get my current friend N to leave my home, then he could really get his clutches in.
  24. Adrenalin dumped into myself when I walked into the Administration building causing me to appear aggressive to my line managers and frequent and habitual dumping of various hormones to
  25. Using this electo-magnetic “radio-devise dumping Melatonin kept me sleeping on work days (particularly Mondays and Fridays) and then manifesting symptoms so that I would walk to my General Practitioner and get medication and a doctors note to explain my absence, this continued until all my sick leave (for a 3 year period) was used up and then I was forced to take unpaid leave.
  26. using this electro-magnetic “radio” devise controlling serotonin levels to keep me depressed
  27. cutting of the electricity in the building where I stay (or so they admit)
  28.  Forcing me using death threats to lose a day of work and spend the entire day in the charge office of a police station on my birthday, after the South African Police had kept me up all night using their electro-magnetic “radio” devise to terrorise myself with a role play where my safety was seemingly put into jeopardy and I spent the night placing my head into washing machines and under metal pots and trays in an attempt to stop the radiation from frying my brain – what a birthday gift
  29. my brothers were told I was a reprobate by the South African Police and as a result my family parted ways
  30. So far the South African Police have told what seems to be 15 people that I am a paedophile, which both slanderous and defaming.
  31. telling me to constantly pull back my foreskin and other lewd things such as children were engaging in sex and that they wanted sex with me. As I passed a child I was informed that the child was circumcised or not-circumcised especially at work how the South African Police knew this remains a mystery. All I can deduce is that they were harassing me. What the aim of the harassment is remains hidden.
  32. illegal imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital to stop me talking out about what was happening and to stop me emailing people about what was happening (orchestrated using this electo-magnetic “radio” devise which puts ideas and thoughts – which you think are your own – into my line managers minds
  33. stopping emails from reaching their intended targets (I’m told that this was done to protect myself)
  34. theft of my iPhone by the South African Police
  35. theft of my airtime and data by the South African Police
  36. destruction  throwing across the room my Oxford Reference Dictionary by this South African policeman (as this policeman says is to teach me that to challenge the police is a bad idea)
  37. blocked my phone from contacting my friends and my legal council
  38. married me (on a work night) through night – with the South African Police stating that I was dying with a brain injury
  39. burning of my brain, and the heating and (I suspect) the burning the lower about 10 cm of my spinal chord
  40. This self proclaimed paedophile killed two female Siamese fighting fish on separate occasions and by his own admission killed my seedlings and my orchid using herbicide
  41. By his own admission, this self proclaimed paedophile Captain of the South African Police has broken into my apartment and stolen my goods on repeated occasions at least once a month taking many goods that I considered valuable and had special significance to myself
  42. Used this electo-magnetic devise to tighten my anal sphincter, so that I could not go to the bathroom for a 3 day period causing me considerable pain as my sciatic nerve was constricted.
  43. Used this electro-magnetic to squeeze my bladder after I urinate to make me appear incontinent.
  44. This self-proclaimed paedophile in the South African Police claims to be a Captain and claims that he has irradiated my kidneys, which I felt but because he has deliberately placed myself into the self-payment gap in my medical aid and has stolen my money over what seems to be years as money has disappeared out of my bank account and was never reflected on the bank statement, I have not been able to verify his arrogant claims.
  45. This arrogant South African Police so called “Captain” blocked my calls to Friend S and Friend M and my legal council as well as to the President’s Office. So when I call them the call just drops. He has thus deprived me of legal council about his action which have been unconstitutional and violate the South African Bill of Rights.
  46. The

Here is a summary of the Bill of Rights and in Red is how this paedophile Police Officer violated my rights:

Equality: All people are equal and must be treated equally.

I was treated differently, as I was subjected to the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so far for 11 months.

I was instructed to pick up litter and belittle myself in my neighbourhood.

Life: Everyone has the right to life. No-one can be sentenced to death by the courts.

I have been threatened with death on repeated occasions and my brain has been irradiated using the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise)

I have been told that there will be 400 paedophiles using this wretched machine (electo-magnetic devise) to target me and kill me.

Irradiation of my brain and other body parts using the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise) for 11 months non stop. This machine can only be used for a two month period safely.

Lesions in my brain (probably caused by the brutal use of the wretched machine (electo-magnetic radio devise)


Human dignity: The government must respect all people. People must respect each other.

I have been beaten with a paedophile stick by a paedophile police officer and had to keep it secret or be arrested with horrific things happening in the cell.

Sexual harassment

Abusive language being called a paedophile when you are not

Theft of my property and money over 11 months

Freedom and security: No-one can be put in prison without good reason. No-one can be held in jail without a court trial. No-one can be tortured. Everyone has the right to be free from all forms of violence.

My brain and my body has been held captive and imprisoned  by the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise)

Constant harassment using the wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise)

Pulling apart of my brain

Sleep deprivation

Burning of my brain

Burning of my spinal chord

Compression of my cochlea to cause hearing dammage

Pulling the eye nerve (from the retina) to cause blindness

Heating of my teeth

tightening closing of the anal sphincter

Slavery, servitude and forced labour: No-one can be forced to work for someone else. Everyone has the right to choose who to work for, and what work you do. Everyone must be paid for their work.

Picking up litter

Personal privacy: No-one can be searched or have their home or possessions searched. The government cannot take anyone’s things, open people’s mail or listen to their phone calls.

Wretched machine (electo magnetic radio devise) allowing the South African Police Officer who admitted that he is a paedophile seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling everything I saw, heared, felt, tasted, smelt, thus this wretched machine invaded my privacy for 11 months non-stop

Invasion of my home over an 11 month period

Theft of my property over an 11 month period

Theft of my money from my wallet

Theft of my money from my bank account over 11 months (as far as I can see)

I was instructed to masturbate and have sex knowing that this Paedophile Police Officer could see, hear, smell, feel and taste everything I could taste 

Control over my electronic things (from television, phones, computers, remotes)

Freedom of religion, belief and opinion: Everyone can believe in whatever they want and can follow the religion of their choice. This includes not believing in any god.

Freedom of speech and expression: Everyone, including the press, may write, say or print photographs or show film of whatever they want, as long as they do not break the law. But no-one is allowed to encourage violence and cause harm with ‘hate speech’ such as racist or sexist language.

Forcing me to delete posts


Assembly of demonstration: All people are free to organise and take part in public meetings and demonstrations and to present petitions, as long as it is done peacefully.

Freedom of association: Everyone can meet with or be friends with whomever they like.

Political rights: All citizens of South Africa can start or join a political party and vote in secret if they are over 18 years old. They can put themselves forward for election in a municipality, or for national government.

Access to information: People have the right to get all information the government and anyone else has, if they need that information to protect their rights.

Denied the change to see the charges that (were so called) levied against me by this self proclaimed paedophile by him not identifing hik

Citizenship: No-one’s South African citizenship can ever be taken away from them.


Freedom of movement and residence: Anyone can go or live anywhere they want in South Africa. All citizens can leave the country and come back again at any time.

Freedom of business, occupation and profession: Everyone has the right to do whatever legal work they want so long as they have the skills, experience or qualification needed for the job.

Labour relations: Everyone has the right to be treated fairly at work. Anyone can join a workers’ union and go on strike.

Environment: All people have the right to a healthy environment.

Property: Everyone has the right to own and sell property. The only time your property can be taken away from you by the government is if they are going to use it for a public purpose, such as building a dam or railway line. If this happens, the property owner must be paid a fair price for it.

Housing: No-one can stop you from getting a house, but the government does not have to give everyone a house. Rather, government must help people to get their own homes. If you have a house the government cannot take your house away from you. You cannot be evicted from your home if you own it.

Healthcare, food, water and social security: Some people cannot support themselves and their dependants. The government must do things to make sure that those people can get access to healthcare services, food and water, and financial help (social grants).

Children: All children have the right to parental care, shelter and healthy food. Children may not be neglected or abused, or forced to work. They have the right to get legal help if they are charged with a crime.

Education: Everyone has the right to a basic education in the language of their choice, where this is possible.

Religion, language and culture: Everyone can use the language and follow the culture or the religion that they choose. (This includes the right to not follow any religion.) But all people must respect everyone else’s human rights when they do so.

Access to courts: You can have a legal problem decided by a court. The government must provide you with a lawyer if you cannot afford one.

Just administration: Actions taken by the government or government departments must be legal and in line South African law and justice system.

Arrested, detained and accused persons: If you are arrested, you have the right to a lawyer and visits from family members. You may not to be kept in jail without good reason. You must be kept in proper living conditions and may not be forced to speak or to make a confession.