Living Mathematics and Science to the Full


I am a Natural Science teacher at Crawford in Pretoria, South Africa. I also mentor the South African Team for the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad.

Comments on: "About" (34)

  1. Andrea said:

    You are not a Natural Science teacher, but a MARVELOUS Natural Science teacher
    Thanks for all the help-I’m sure I’ll ace the exams next time we write them!!!
    Andrea Kruger 7A

  2. Cleido Kussumua said:

    Sir, I am amazed by this website. Thank you for developing it.
    Cleido Kussumua 6W

  3. Rochelle said:

    Hi Mr Conacher,

    This is Rochelle, in Canada.
    I had a great holiday.
    My school only starts in September over here.
    Our crate still hasn’t arrived…

    Hope all is well.


  4. Kenny Nyonganyi said:

    If you can do that sir I’d be so thank full

  5. Rochelle said:

    Mr. Conacher

    School is going just fine and our crate has arrived with nothing damaged.
    I have a question out of curiosity.
    If you are standing close to a mirror and you are loking at something far wawy in the mirror, how would you lens in your eye bend? As if you’re looking at something close or far? Without my glasses (used to see far), even if I am close to the mirror it is still blurry.


  6. Rochelle said:

    Looking, I mean, not loking. Sorry, and away. Oops. and your lens. Not you lens.

  7. Divina de Castro said:

    Good day Mr. Conacher. This is Leonel’s mom Divina. I want to thank you for being such a brilliant teacher. Leonel speaks very very highly of you. He is worried about your exams and so am I! Is there any other extra lessons you can cater for him please even maybe to discuss a study method. I WILL REALLY appreciate it very much. Thanks once again for being such an inspiration to Leonel. kind regards.

  8. Am I in IMSO?

  9. Mr C if I’m right we must prepare a speech of how we are ganna do ur experiment and make a chart of??????

  10. Mr.C I’ve lost the information I’ve got for the thing tomorrow soooOooOoOO sorry???wat can I doooOO?????!!!!!?!?!?!?!!!???

  11. Kerys T. 7C said:

    Hi Mr. C.

    What must we study for the cucle test on Thursday?
    Please read the E-mail I sent you.

    Kind Regards,
    Kerys Trathen 7C

  12. Nicci said:

    Sir, I just want to know exactlly what must we study for the N.S test .Molusc, and all vertebrates. Is seeds,plants and fungi included for the test?

  13. zahraa m :) gr 7R (previous 6W) said:

    sir is it possible that i hand in some of my mind maps for appoval ? pleasecan you post the exam timetable ive lost mine X_X

  14. zahraa m :) gr 7R (previous 6W) said:

    sir when is our fungi due?

  15. Carlo Olivier Gr 6C said:

    Thank you Mr C for such a valuable website.

  16. Daiwon Kim Gr 6R. said:

    Hello Mr Conacher.
    Will you please upload a revision test for me on Dropbox??
    It is very urgent because I need to study now for the exams.

    Thank You.

  17. Nektarios Prokopos said:

    Mr C may u please help me please?

  18. Nektarios Prokopos said:

    Mr C I was absent and did not get the log book, I cant find the log book booklet so that I can do the work for marks may you please help me find it please Mr C from Nektarios

  19. Nektarios Prokopos said:

    MR C I went on the folder Science Expo and were do I go after I click on the folder Science Expo may u please tell me were to go after that please sir?

  20. MR C

    This is Nic from grade 6w,regarding my expo project I want to use an egg to represent the human brain . An egg is delicate and jelly like the brain therefore an experiment on the egg would have a correlation to the human brain.

    Nic (6w)

  21. Michelle said:

    Good day, I am trying to find work that Codi Slimowitz (Grade 6C) missed yesterday due to illness? Dropbox also updated with Classroom Activity 2: Nutrition (only headings) but where do we get the notes or must I buy this Text Book to do the work? Regards, Michelle Le Grange (Mother)

    • Codi can seed me on the 5th of May and we can catch up together.
      You need not get the book, he could borrow one.

  22. Hi Mr C it’s Nic from Grade 6w and I just wanted to know must we have a working model of our experiment at the science expo or not.

  23. Michelle said:

    Good day Mr Conacher, we didn’t want to bother you during the holidays so I just wanted to confirm Codi’s change of Science Project. He was going to do Solar Power but that led to some difficulty so we changed to food. How long does it take to grow mold ie. the length of time food stays fresh before growing mold? Confirmation would be greatly appreciated. Regards Michelle Le Grange

  24. Fezekile said:

    Brilliant day Mr C, please assist me into the website you are developing. I’ve tried entering into my search engine on 3 devices. I receve very strange results. Assistance would be appreciated.

  25. Fezekile said:

    IS this comment section of this website still active or not?

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