Living Mathematics and Science to the Full

Archive for the ‘IMSO’ Category

Philippine Ferry MV Thomas Aquinas sinks

It was with profound sadness that I learned of the tragic events that have befallen the people of the Philippines. The loss of life and livelihoods has shocked us all. The South African IMSO team joins me in hoping that in time it will be possible to rebuild the lives of those who have been affected. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

IMSO 2013 host city: Alfonso near Tagatay, Philippines

Taal volcano-Tagatay Manila-1

The City of Tagaytay is a component city in the province of Cavite, in the Philippines. It is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations because of outstanding scenery and cooler climate provided by its high altitude. Alfonso, Cavite in the Philippines which is a short way from Tagaytay. Alfonso played a very important role in Philippine history, It is the birth place of the Philippine overthrow of the Spanish Colonist government.

Singapore Haze


As Singapore continues to struggle with the haze I urge all Singaporeans to follow the scientific advice offered. I’m pleased that the Indonesean authorities are taking action and that Singaporeans are enjoying less haze. Here is an example where ASEAN co-operation has brought a solution to a problem.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Aceh (Indonesia)

As the people of Aceh continue to bear the effects of the 6,1 quake on Tuesday (2 July 2013) our thoughts and prayers go to those affected by the earthquake as well as those that are helping the recovery of Aceh.

To the people of the Philippines

As you struggle with the effects of the cyclone know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

This is the venue for IMSO 2012

See original article

Drink before you think – experts

The following was published in the Pretoria News on 19 April 2012 on page 9:

LONDON: Forget expensive private tutors and brain-boosting vitamins. The key to exam success could be as simple as a glass of water.

Students who took a drink into the exam hall did up to 10 percent better than those who did not. Although it is not clear why a drink should help, one theory is that information flows more freely between brain cells when they are well hydrated.

Researchers said that drinking water may also calm nerves, while those who became thirsty during test time could be more easily distracted.

The study compared whether they took a drink into the exam with their final marks.

The students’ overall academic ability was then factored in, to ensure that the results were not skewed by the possibility that smarter students are also more thirsty. Those who arrived armed with drinks did about 5 percent better on average. But those just starting out at university improved by as much as 10 percent, the annual conference of the British Psychological Society heard. – Daily Mail

unknown, Pretoria News (19 April 2012) Morning Edition, page 9

2012 IMSO venue update

This year IMSO will happen in Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh in India.

2009 IMSO venue

2010 IMSO venue update